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Alloa Harbour Project


Vital Spark Racing cic has an aim to offer disadvantaged young adults within Clackmannanshire a teaching course enabling them to reach their personal potential and lead them on towards prospective futures.

We also have the intention to involve and encourage community participation, offering volunteer roles and waterborne activities around Alloa Harbour. We envisage a total transformation of the site into a welcoming area for locals and visitors alike, a place that people will come to watch what’s happening on the water and relax in the fresh air with a coffee.

Presently the harbour site is rarely visited with little to no activity on the water offering no incentive to attract people. However it has the potential to become the focal point of Alloa encouraging visitors by road or water and making Alloa Harbour the Crowning Jewel of Clackmannanshire. Currently there is no motivation for boat owners from down river (such as Port Edgar Marina) to travel up river as there are no facilities beyond Bo’ness and Charlestown. The Alloa Harbour regeneration will provide the attraction of venturing and discovering the beauty and sights of the upper river. Within easy walking distance of Alloa town centre, with its friendly shops and historic buildings, visitors travelling by boat will enjoy discovering the treasures Alloa has to offer.


A summary of our proposals is:

  • To erect 2 sympathetic units adjacent to the Glassworks fence line.

  • One unit would be a café / snack bar and a homage to Alloa historic maritime past, it would act as a museum showing photos, layouts and items for visitors to see and get a feeling of the Harbours historic background while getting a coffee.

  • The second unit will provide an extra seating area for the café, a hub location for local community groups and a gallery for local artists and hobbists to display their works.

  • The two units would be staffed by volunteers and clients working with Vital Spark Racing cic learning the running of a retail premises.

  • Linking the two units will be male and female toilet facilities and changing rooms for waterborne participants.

  • To completely re-landscape the site with outdoor seating in front of the café building giving visitors a place to rest and watch interesting activities happening on the river.

  • To install floating pontoons allowing craft to be moored up and encouraging boat owners from further down the river to visit and enjoy the scenic, historic venue together with nearby Alloa facilities and significant landmarks.

Vital Spark Racing cic would be tasked with raising all necessary funds for this venture and close liaison with the council would guarantee the success of the project delivering a spectacle of which Clackmannanshire will be proud.

Not only would the Alloa Harbour Regeneration attract new external and local visitors to the site to enjoy the facilities and activities on the water, it would form a hub for Vital Spark Racing cic to involve local community activities and volunteering opportunities expanding its core aim of helping to improve the lives of people within Clackmannanshire.


At the present time, the Alloa Harbour site is virtually unused with visitors to the site often suggesting their only reason for going was “There was nothing better to do!”

Clackmannanshire Council recognises the site has the potential to become a useful venue and although several proposals have been submitted to the council, none so far have offered a reasonable solution.

We consider that by redevelopment of Alloa Harbour to our proposals would offer significant benefits to individuals, local communities and visitors such as:-

  • Offer a new and unique facility in Clackmannanshire

  • Massively increase the footfall of visitors to the site

  • Offer an interesting venue for people to relax and improve general well being

  • Offer volunteering opportunities

  • Increase the current sports and activity base in Clackmannanshire

  • Offer a range of waterborne activities around activities on and off the water

  • Increase the range of teaching platforms for disadvantaged young adults

  • Act as an interesting hub venue for local community groups

  • Encourage visitors by boat to Alloa


It’s no secret that life near the water has a lot to offer, but it has health benefits as well. Doctors and researchers are finding an increased list of reasons that living near water is a good for the mind and the body which can improve your health by:-

  • You breathe fresh air. ... Fresh air is known to improve alertness and balance levels of serotonin, attributed to mood and stress

  • You strengthen your immune system. ... Increased relaxation and decreased stress means a strengthened immune system

  • You sleep better. ... Exposure to water is known to relax the mind and body unlike anything else

  • You increase your white blood cell count. ... Being outside and being around water is a natural immune booster.

  • You experience greater happiness. ... Scientists have determined that looking at or enjoying water floods the brain with dopamine, or feel good hormones, naturally. Meaning people exposed to water are often more relaxed and happier in general.

  • You relax. ... Water can be very therapeutic. Engaging in simple activities such as fishing or walking can help reduce stress and fight off the negative effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after a hard situation. Especially if you battle anxiety or depression, water can be very helpful in overcoming the difficult associated side effects.

  • You lengthen your life.

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